Losing your hair? Looking for a non-surgical hair replacement solution? You are not alone! According to statistics from the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 80 million people suffer from hair loss due to heredity. When it comes to wearing hair, you don’t want to compromise. Welcome to Euphoria Reign. We provide first-class non-surgical hair replacement services in Arizona. No matter where you are with your hair loss, we promise you a long-term solution with our non-surgical hair replacement. We want you to feel fabulous inside and out!

Take the first step to that new look. Call 623-261-2645 today for an appointment, or book online.


Non-surgical hair replacement entails the use of human hair or synthetic hair to create a tailored-fit, natural-looking hairpiece. The area where the hairpiece is attached will need to be shaved and the hair system will be applied to the scalp using certified adhesive and will remain on the head for 3-4 weeks. Once the hair is applied, your hairstylist will cut and style your hair. Remember that any hairstyle is possible, be creative, be fabulous. Non-surgical hair replacement will leave you looking and feeling your best.  This method is safe, painless, and leaves you with brilliant results. 

At Euphoria Reign, we have a range of collections to match your desired look. For men who wish to have or restore their natural hairline, The lace front hair system is the perfect answer. Our lace front hair system is world-class and budget-friendly. For men who long for comfy and breathable hair, the full hair lace system might be the smartest choice. It has a natural appearance, and it’s lightweight. Are you looking for a perfect balance between natural and durable? Then the mono hair replacement system is what you’ve been looking for.


To get the most out of your new look, some hair maintenance tips will come in handy. 

  1. Comb your hair every day using a wide-toothed comb. Be gentle to avoid root tension.
  2. Apply recommended oil, and adhere to all maintenance measures handed down by your stylist.

Non-surgical hair replacement maintenance will depend on factors such as your sweat level, swimming frequency, and how fast your natural hair takes to grow.


Semi-permanent hair replacement is best done by a salon expert. Our stylists are well-trained and experienced in hair replacement systems. With our 100% vegan products, we assure you of a fantastic new look. By choosing us, you’ll not only get a great service, but you’ll also support our charity work. At Euphoria Reign, we give free haircuts to cancer patients every first Tuesday of the month, and discounted cuts to family members showing their support. A percentage of profits is donated to the American Cancer Society.

At Euphoria Reign we don’t offer false claims of a magic cure, but we do commit ourselves to personalized consultations. Many of our solutions are completely customizable — we even cut, color, and style your hair so it arrives at your door ready to wear. No matter where you are in your hair loss journey, our solutions are designed to fit your lifestyle without compromise.